福西広和 個展 「時間からの乖離 《クロノスタシスの端緒》」Hirokazu Fukunishi Exhibition "Divergence from Time: The Edge of Chronostasis"


2024年9月13日(金) - 9月29日 (日) 12:30 - 17:00


13 (Fri.) - 29 (Sun.) September, 2024

Open: 12:30 - 17:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

作家在廊予定日: 13日(金)、20日(金)、27日(金)、29日(日)


GALLERY IND.では、福西広和によります弊ギャラリーでの七回目の新作写真展「時間からの乖離《クロノスタシスの端緒》 」を開催いたします。



GALLERY IND. is pleased to present "Divergence from Time: The Edge of Chronostasis", the seventh exhibition of new works by Hirokazu Fukunishi at our gallery.

The exhibition will feature three series of gelatin silver photographs that Fukunishi has been working on in recent years: at the sanctuary 《the sea》,at the sanctuary 《the mountain》, and the time of 《the solstice》.

Fukunishi's works seem to shed light on individual objects and phenomena from the totality of things that we usually do not consciously perceive because we are accustomed to seeing them, and to successfully transform the abstract essence of these into the flat surface of black-and-white photography, which is an accumulation of silver particles, while darkroom work (from developing to printing) is done by the outstanding darkroom skills of Masakazu Sei, who has around 50 years' experience specialising in monochrome.

The situation surrounding silver halide photography is difficult due to the decrease in the number of photosensitive materials, the breakdown of technical succession and the rapid evolution and spread of digital photography, but we hope you will enjoy the sharp and delicate images fixed by light and photosensitising agents, which contain noise that the photographer cannot be involved in and even the atmosphere and emotion of the place.




Artist Statement


Sometimes, even though it should be familiar to me, I feel a non-figure, an unseen presence. Of course, I don't know if I can capture it or not. But if I can photograph it before it disappears, I may have captured something floating out of the everyday time frame. These three groups of photographs are the ones that emerged from such groping.

聖地にて《海》 at the sanctuary 《the sea》 


- 波に重なる波 (多重化された反復性)


- Waves overlaid on waves (multiplexed repetition)

Multiple exposures of waves. Of course, that would be a photographic outrage. Naturally, the same thing would not happen to a photograph of multiple exposures on the same film, in which the splashes of the waves overlap. Whether or not the entanglement of time and space can be seen there...

聖地にて《山》 at the sanctuary 《the mountain》


- 神聖な光 (木漏れ日が射すところで)


- Sacred light (where the sun shines through the trees)

In sacred places, there is a prayer life that has continued since time immemorial. And this may be the most distant thing from our daily reality. But if we can perceive something, even if it is only a little, then it is there, in the direction of the light, isn't it?

《精》なるとき  the time of 《the solstice》


- それが消えぬうちに...(花の《精》について)


- Before it disappears... (on the 'spirit' of the flower)

If you are a painter, you must finish painting before the flower withers away. The time for the painting lies in the changing of the flower's 'spirit'. What would a photographer do? Would he photograph the dying flowers in sequence? Instead, I thought I would try to capture the "spirit" of the flower.

福西広和:1971年 大阪府生まれ。1991年 京都造形芸術大学洋画科中退。以後、独学で写真撮影を習得。

Hirokazu Fukunishi:

1971 Born in Osaka, Japan

1991 Left Kyoto University of Art and Design before the completion of its oil painting course

and later learned photography on his own

Lives and works in Osaka, Japan

- 個展  

2023年 「歴史と写真 II」(奈良女子大学)

2022年 「無韻の詩」(GALLERY  IND./奈良)

            「歴史と写真 I 」(奈良女子大学)

2021年 「解像の零度」(GALLERY IND./奈良)

2020年 「絶え間ない流れの中で」(GALLERY IND./奈良)

2019年「出来事の粒子」(GALLERY IND./奈良)

2018年「物質化された時間」(GALLERY IND./奈良、もずみみはらのアトリエ/大阪)

2017年「凝集する瞬間」 (GALLERY IND./奈良、もずみみはらのアトリエ/大阪)


- グループ展

2015年 - 2022年 「ながくてアートフェスティバル」(愛知)

2016年 「ときのかけら と かけらのとき」(もずみみみはらのアトリエ/大阪)


  - Solo Exhibitions

2023 - History and Photography II (Nara Women's University/Nara)

2022 - Blank Verse (GALLERY IND./Nara)

         - History and Photograph I (Nara Women's University/Nara)

2021 - Seeing, Degree Zero (GALLERY IND./Nara)

2020 - In The Never-ending Flow (GALLERY IND./Nara)

2019 - Particles of The Occurrence (GALLERY IND./Nara)

2018 - Substantialized Time (GALLERY IND./Nara + Mozumimihara-no Atelier/Osaka)

2017 - Cohered Moment (GALLERY IND./Nara + Mozumimihara-no Atelier/Osaka)

2015 - Premonition (Mozumimihana-no Atelier/Osaka)

- Collective Exhibitions

2015 - 2023 - NAGAKUTE Art Festival  (Aichi)

2016 - Tokinokakera To Kakeranotoki (Mozumimihara-no Atelier/Osaka)